Is Davido's Logistics Manager, Israel Afeare a Two-Minute Man?

In all this noise-making and calling each other out on social media between Davido's Logistics Manager, Israel Afeare, and his estranged wife, Shiela, all I can see is a seemingly ignorant "good" girl with very poor advisers. It is foolish to advise her to go to social media with Israel DMW of all people, a man who has repeatedly shown the world on global stages that doesn't care about his reputation. You can't shame the shameless, as a matter of fact, it is nourishing for him.

Also, to call him a two-minute man is very ridiculous, coming from someone who claimed to have married as a virgin. what comparison does she have? 

by the way, the term "2-minute man" is a colloquial expression used to describe someone, typically a man, who is perceived as quickly reaching climax or finishing sexual intercourse within a very short time, often around two minutes or less. It's a slang term that may carry some negative connotations regarding sexual stamina or performance.

I'm here wondering how she arrived at the so-called two-minute man profiling. Is it just to spite Israel? If it is, hope she is aware that two can play dirty.

On the contrary, I'm not on Israel's side. As a matter of fact, I'm not on anyone's side. Just to see how we can all learn from this and move on to live better lives.

I think this is a very strong message to that church girl who is busy looking down on the young men in church, tagging them, "too spiritual" while looking out stylishly for Mr. Popular. 

You may receive your inner wishes and get down with Mr. Popular, only to realize that you have made a very laughable mistake. All because your eyes are on what glitters.

This is the very reason why many people have successful weddings and very awful marriages. Be careful what you wish for. And please, stop deceiving yourself, you saw the warning signs and yet hoped that they would change into your dream signals.

In the end, Israel Afeare just wanted a virgin and he got one which cost him nothing but an expensive wedding. Shiela wanted an expensive wedding and the popular life, she got one but didn't take her to forever after. 

Case close. All that is left is clout and maybe more hurts and hateful feelings for marriages by innocent by-standers.